How would you Improve Apowersoft Audio Recorder All the ideas and discussions
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case sensitive means that you have to capitalize the G in Givawayoftheday.

case sensitive meaning that you have to capitalize the G in Giveawayoftheday. to all that's having problem registrating. this does not mean put your email address in. I would improve this product by not allowing the half recordings or split files to be placed in the folder. it should not record files under 1 minute.

leveil, 20.10.2013, 12:56
Idea status: under consideration


Julie, 20.10.2013, 14:42
Thanks...once I entered the Giveawayoftheday as the email address..(didn't add .com) and put in the code given it worked like a charm.
Samuel, 20.10.2013, 14:53
Good call Julie, got mine going!

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